01 February 2010

Tired of Having Your Flame Wars Restricted to Comments?

then go here.  Site's still under construction, but get in there and start laying verbal smackdowns, discussing your workouts, logging, and generally being better than everyone else on the planet.

The revolution begins now. We're taking this motherfucker over.


  1. Fucking sweet, I'll register later.

  2. same here, this is going to be fun!!

  3. Fuck. I can't get anything, just taking me to a blank page

  4. www.chaosandpain.com

    You're killing me, Rob.

  5. Eh, I'm retarded. Feel free to make fun of me in the next Ask the Asshole.

    Site looks great, thank you.

  6. Site is a fucking mess. The chaos is great when it come to training, but no so good in web page design

  7. What would you change about it? We're in the early stage of it right now, open to suggestions. I can tell you that I'm not 100% thrilled with the way some of the information is displayed on the sidebars (I think it makes them a bit too busy, too much information), some of the color choices on those sidebars make it tough to seperate the links from the non-linked text. The top banner was something kind of thrown together on a whim, and is going to change when Jamie gets the final version of the logo from the graphics guy.


  8. I think you are in the money J. Ja. It is visually overwhelming (in a confusing-headache way) and it's kind of hard to handle all the information at first. Maybe some diferent colors, bigger caracters and more images. It may sound dummi, but I think that can make a big difference. Yo can also Highlight the menus on the top (I think those are the most important and are hard to see at first glance) and reduce the contents on the sidebars. I don't see too much point on displaying the forum topics, and the contents of the trainin logs. If I where you the sidebar would be just links to the training logs without displaying the contents,and the main content on the home page would omit the entries on the training logs and focust just on articles.

  9. Thanks for the feedback, it is really appreciated. I already implemented a lot of your suggestions (the ones pertaining to the sidebars), and I think they are all reasonable and good ideas to experiment with, and I've added them to my punchlist for the site. My big priority (now that I've done the sidebar shuffle) is to write up a tool to let Jamie easily import his entries from this blog into the site, to unify the content.

    Thanks again!


  10. The most important thing is that JAMIE'S shit is all mixed in with other people. No offense, I come to read what he says, and maybe others supplemental material when I've seen HIS newest content. Not have them all jumbled together. Also, the blog is not clearly the main page when you go there ... Chaos is def the word for the site as is ...

  11. Point taken. He and I have already discussed putting some filters on the main page to restrict it a bit, and not have it be a total dump of everything that gets added to the site, along with allowing easier sorting by tag ("motivation", "training", etc.). One thing to keep in mind, when Jamie put the link up it was more for people to get to the forums than anything else, since that was already in place, no tweaks really needed, and because there was a lot of demand for it. I know I was (and I am guessing he was too) caught a little blindsided by just how many people would spend as much time as they have reading the other content that was up there, some of which was put up as filler during the development.

    I think that if we knew that it would be like this, we would have spent some more time tweaking the front page up front, importing the existing blog content, and making sure that the supplemental materials from other authors were clearly moved to their own section (which they are now, in the "CnP Newcomers" section of the articles; they still show on the front page, though).


  12. I think the main page should be somewhat similar to Jamie's mainpage here - the core of what people are coming here for - Jamie's blog! And everything else should be there, just not all jumbled together. Also - thank you for pointing out that it's just for people to access the forums (which aren't quite as simple as they should be: open topic, read, respond). It was implied that the site is where everything is moving to - so it's understandable that people are assuming they should be looking for Jamie's next rant over there ...

    Keep up the good work, you are the ultimate hooligan, J.Ja!

  13. Hey, just took a look into the page, and I can tell is getting better, specially with the sidebars thing as I pointed early, but I insist in the neccesity of some imeges, just like the ones in the blog. Is a good idea to base the web page on that, on what is possible. Keep up with the great work J.Ja, and good luck.

    der Krümmelmonster

  14. K ist fuer Kruemmel! Est ist gut genug fuer mich!

  15. Thanks for the fedback and encouragement!

    I've updated the main page so that it omits the training logs. The feedback is pretty well split in terms of whether or not the main page should be exclusively Jamie's stuff or not; at this point, I think I'll keep it as-is on the author mix, and let the folks who prefer to *only* read Jamie's writing to ignore the other authors.

    I looked into having the main page have the full articles complete with pictures. While it is possible (and it looked good), the really outstanding problem was that my choices were to either have all of the comments and the comment box displayed (talk about making that page a mess!) or have the reader scroll back to the top to click the article name in order to see just the article so they could read or leave comments. That's not exactly ideal either, since the comments are really valuable to the site.

    But I *was* able to spruce up the display a bit, mainly to include the author information, to make it clear who wrote which piece.

    Regarding the purpose of the site, it is intended that it will become "the" CnP site; I'm working on a tool to help Jamie import his content from here onto the site, and Jamie will be cross posting to both sites. Right now, we're trying to build some activity in the forums to get people involved, so please, feel free to jump in! As a note, I now have a forum topic open for Web site feedback, too.

    Jamie got me a new logo on Friday, and I will be putting it up soon, including a shift in site colors to match it, so keep your eyes peeled.

