The following is an essay I wrote almost in its entirety a couple of years ago in a fit of frustration with the state of strength sports, and shit's only gotten worse. I happened to come across it looking for some old notes and figured I'd drop it in here just because- it really wasn't written with the intention of publishing it. It's a departure from the norm- no porn, no actual lifting advice, and I'm not sure if it's even "life" advice... and it's sure as shit not life coaching.
Bernarr MacFadden
The father of modern bodybuilding culture, promoter of the first bodybuilding contest in modern history (with a cash prize bigger than any contest for the next 75 years), and the guy Jack LaLanne ripped off for just about everything. You likely have never heard of him, because MacFadden was a full-blown weirdo who loved porn and fucking, did insane physical stunts even into old age, and thought (very rightly at the time) medical doctors were fucking monsters.
America is a nation founded upon a belief in individualism above all, if the propaganda rammed down our throats on a daily basis is to be believed. Certainly, the eccentric has played a massive role in American society- from the flamboyant antics of Little Richard, lady Gage, and Prince in pop music to the oddly accessible masculinity and hyperfitness of Bernarr McFadden to the drug-addled, artistic intellectualism of Ken Kesey and Hunter S. Thompson to the bizarre mad scientist brilliance of Nikola Tesla to the utterly insane engineering genius of Howard Hughes and R. Buckminster Fuller, Americas global dominance for the last century is seemingly built upon rampant, brazen individualism. Breaks with convention put man on the moon, into the air, under the sea, and gave us everything we wantonly take for granted today, from electrical power to the zipper. Americans seem drawn to eccentrics like white trash to Oxycontin, though they secretly judge and condemn their oddball idols even as they explain away their behavior as somehow relatable. At the same time, people who have shamelessly blazed their own path, choosing to do whatever the fuck they wanted, do whatever they would, and believe whatever they liked, now cower behind labels, bleating their fear of judgment like sheep rather than snarling their defiance like an enraged hyena, destroying the psychic underpinnings of their uniqueness in a pathetic, limp-wristed plea for acceptance that is an stomach-turning in its delivery as it is in its message.
"Are you unaware that murder was honored in China, rape in New Zealand, theft in Sparta? That man you watch being drawn and quartered in the market place, what has he done? He ventured to acquit himself in Paris of some Japanese virtue."
Marquis de Sade
A wise man once said, "Strangeness is the energy of our imagination," though society generally tends to adhere to a policy wherein "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down." Wildly eccentric and prolific geniuses like Tesla and Hughes usually die alone and impoverished in spite of the fact that the modern world could not exist without their work. Modern horror fiction would likely not exist without the influence of Edgar Allen Poe and HP Lovecraft, yet both men died tragically bereft of both friends and material comfort. Unmatched strength luminary Arthur Saxon died penniless in a gutter (much like Poe), badass boxer Joe Louis diedowing virtually everyone, and the lifelong outsider who was the father of modern pop music, Stephen Foster, died alone with 38 cents in his pocket. Yet without these people, our modern world simply would not exist. They should be celebrated as the gods of modernity, yet men like Henry Ford, who turned men into mindless automatons regulated by dickheads with stopwatches and accountants, and the psychotic sneak-thief Thomas Edison, who did far more to destroy normal human sleep habits than any other human in history and stole everything from the rights to hundreds of other people's films to the life's breath out of elephants, are the men behind the curtain credited with tending the machines of progress.
Why is this? Is it because the fine line between genius and insanity is also a line between self-improvement and self-destruction? Is it because a society in which the majority worships an allegedly faultless god and demands the same of its mortal heroes? Is it because the bland shadows of true innovators, labelled as "tireless hard workers" rather than "inexplicable geniuses" are the tasteless pap fed to babes for ease of digestion rather than the deliciously habanero-laden street tacos that might have one shitting their pants in a couple of hours?
"Of course, we call the changes 'compassion,' 'reasonableness,' and 'progress,' but they are actually 'enfeeblement,' 'stupidity,' and 'degeneration.'"
Mark Mirabello
"It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake."
Frederick Douglass
"A conclusion is simply where you stopped thinking."
- Black Iron Prison
As society fractures into smaller and smaller segments, people hold even more sacrosanct the precepts held forth by their given group. Christian Republicans justify inhumane treatment to impoverished people fleeing collapsing societies with their holy book, in spite of the obvious hypocrisy in doing so. Allegedly pacifist leftists justify pointless violence by pointing at the distasteful social opinions of the right. Natty lifters screech endlessly about their purity and superiority relative to people doing what humans have always done, which is to utilize any means necessary to win. Geared lifters and raw lifters hate each other. Oly lifters and powerlifters band together to hate on Crossfitters. And then there are vegans, who hate and are hated by everyone. And all the while, individual thought is shunned more and more as idiots herd together for security against the looming "threat" of the other.
"Doubt everything. Find your own light!"
The Buddha
This just in: I'm not.
and I know I'll likely get eaten by a metaphorical wild animal while doing it.
I carve my own path and wouldn't have it iny other way, because it would be too f$¥£ng boring, and my own way is too much fun.
ReplyDeleteWell put Jamie.
A year ago I read your blog for the first time and it fired me up and started training like a madman, now I am hooked, much stronger and gained nearly 25 pounds. Can I shoot you an email (if you are not too busy)?
Thanks for your efforts to try to make other people stronger.
That's basically Nietzsches Übermensch: faced with the living nihilism of modern society, he adopts his own, genuine identity and moral reasoning. In doing so, he alienates himself from society, but is also, as a free and self empowered outsider, capable of advancing society.
ReplyDeleteCamus would consider this the human in his revolution.
Actual individuals have alway been rare, with uniform cutouts of people encompassing most of the population.
In my own opinion, it's a socio-cultural reaction of surival instinct. Societies proposing individualistic tendencies tend to be highly unstable and volatile; as soon as more than 3 people are at the same place for some time there will be a hierarchy, if most everyone is empowered to be able to desire top position in the hierarchy, things get stabby quickly. Norse countries in the Viking Age and Proto-Germany till the Enlightment were good examples of this by being basically tribal and due to violent conflict highly fluctuatiing.
In such cultures, the weakest will embrace a social and religious concept of enforced egalitarism (like communism or christianity) with fervor. Since weak dipshits are always in the majority, you just need a few generations of them to stop squabbling long enough and decide on one ideology and boom: christian country!
DeleteToo lazy:diminished reading? That took maybe 9 seconds to read.
DeleteThe weakest...well thats 99.9999999999999999% of us in capitalist society. Your chance of making it into the ruling class is slim to fuck all. I'll tell you who the weakest are , those who swallow capitalist propaganda, work and fight for a ruling class that doesn't give a fuck about them, salute silly flags and imagine that a bit of muscle makes them elite in any way other than a chimp.
ReplyDeleteWe all die anyway
DeleteI don't think that was the point. There are plenty of weaklings in the "elite" classes.
ReplyDeleteAnd with al due respect, knowing that for the present it will be disregarded but hopefully food for thought, I think Jamie is revisiting/prolonging his adolescence through the use of anabolics and other lifestyle factors. Now this is his choice with its own set of positive features, but choice means we do not travel the other path, and I suspect that it is better to move on and embrace the mature self, with all of its drawbacks. Jamie is at the age of midlife crisis, something which is poorly understood but is no myth. It is simply a phase of life, not necessarily marked by any great incidents but unpleasant nonetheless. It generally ends as one comes into one's fifties, and is perceived as a happier phase. I imagine any of you will be unable to relate to this and dismiss it instantly, but as I understand it, it is well researched and one can find books on the matter if interested. As I say, food for thought, I don't claim to have all the answers.
DeleteYou watch other people bang your wife while you jerk in the corner, don’t you?
Internet award of the year coming your way. Well done sir, you crushed me.
DeleteAre you suggesting that it is best to just accept that your best days are behind you, move into that desk job that your 'peers' would covet, pick a wife, have 2.5 kids and a golden retriever, then convince yourself that you are content to just pay bills until you die?
DeleteOf course it is. Then go "binge" on whatever show your social media circle is jerking each other off to.
DeleteU forgot the part where you suck all the men's semen out from your wife's snapper after the black guys are done with her. While your kids grow up to hate you dad and there own skin.
DeleteYour best days are never over till you are dead, but holding on to a previous version of oneself is not going to work, it is a futile attempt at invariance that reality will not allow. With age, what decays, decays, what improves, improves and it is a one way trip.
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ReplyDeleteC'mon haters....the Heinlein caption...seems to be making a case that there is little value in pursuing the extreme end of all there physical endeavours. It will only come at the expense of all round ability. Marx said something similar criticising the extreme specialisation of labour that capitalism brings, the worker just becomes a deformed cripple repeating a tiny detail. Consider the crossfit total. Not many went above a 600lb deadlift. Now considering these are the cream of the crop, does it not suggest that concentrating on ever heavier pondages is only going to come at the expense of many other abilities. A price not worth paying for the vast majority I would suggest.
ReplyDeleteThe human body is honed by evolution to be versatile. A highly restricted/specialised regime of heavy lifting, combined with hormonal manipulation and weight gain is really not the solution to health and wellbeing.
There you go rip it up.
Hmm, you've given me much to think about there, thank you.
DeleteI'd better wipe my arse now and get back to work.
Front to back don't want shit bunching up in yer vagina
DeleteYou wanna lick it out mudda fucka?
DeleteMore banalities from my ever flowing pen...capitalist society tends towards ever greater homogeneity because it is based on exchange of commodities. The only thing these have in common is the amount of socially average labour time they encapsulate. This abstract idea means that only those activities which produce goods which are profitable due to the labour time spent on them fitting this framework are pursued and other activities are not. This has a tendency to produce homogeneity. For some reason people tend to swallow the idea that capitalism is about individualism and the like, not at all. All those people out there that are all the same - well you are one of them. The same banal proletarian condition, the same ideological confusion...the same ruling class ideas repeated over and over. But it is finite. Either doom or revolution, we approach the end game, regardless of how many realise it.
ReplyDeleteSomething to think about as you sit on the throne Sally!
Here ya go....more whining from the beta male oracle of TRUTH...Fuvk what the libertarian right wing bullshitting apologists of capitalist exploitation would have you believe as you waste your lives on the dreary treadmill of exploitation and oppression....obesity (and likely all the other maladies that fuck our bodies as we try to relieve the relentless monotony and misery at capitalism's core) is the fault of a society unfit for human consumption... Consider this a moment …"“There are no excuses. Take responsibility for your own lives, people!” “No one force feeds you junk food, it’s personal choice. We’re not lemmings.” “Sometimes I think having free healthcare is a mistake. It’s everyone’s right to be lazy and fat because there is a sense of entitlement about getting fixed.” The thrill of disapproval chimes disastrously with industry propaganda. We delight in blaming the victims.
ReplyDeleteMore alarmingly, according to a paper in the Lancet, more than 90% of policymakers believe that “personal motivation” is “a strong or very strong influence on the rise of obesity”. Such people propose no mechanism by which the 61% of English people who are overweight or obese have lost their willpower. But this improbable explanation seems immune to evidence.
Perhaps this is because obesophobia is often a fatly-disguised form of snobbery. In most rich nations, obesity rates are much higher at the bottom of the socioeconomic scale. They correlate strongly with inequality, which helps to explain why the UK’s incidence is greater than in most European and OECD nations. The scientific literature shows how the lower spending power, stress, anxiety and depression associated with low social status makes people more vulnerable to bad diets."’re-in-a-new-age-of-obesity-how-did-it-happen-you’d-be-surprised/ar-BBLWTmz?ocid=spartanntp
There you go James, more bitchy whining coming your way.
But have you ever been so far as to want go do look more like?
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DeleteTotally serious, scientific, no bullshit...US doctors coined a phrase for this condition: “sh*t-life syndrome”. Poor working-age Americans of all races are locked in a cycle of poverty and neglect, amid wider affluence. They are ill educated and ill trained. The jobs available are drudge work paying the minimum wage, with minimal or no job security. They are trapped in poor neighbourhoods where the prospect of owning a home is a distant dream. There is little social housing, scant income support and contingent access to healthcare. Finding meaning in life is close to impossible; the struggle to survive commands all intellectual and emotional resources. Yet turn on the TV or visit a middle-class shopping mall and a very different and unattainable world presents itself. Knowing that you are valueless, you resort to drugs, antidepressants and booze. You eat junk food and watch your ill-treated body balloon. It is not just poverty, but growing relative poverty in an era of rising inequality, with all its psychological side-effects, that is the killer.’re-dying-earlier-in-britain-–-and-it’s-all-down-to-‘sht-life-syndrome’/ar-BBM6Lwo?ocid=spartanntp
ReplyDeleteMet a lot of people who were poor that didn't throw in towel and become a fucking scrub. People use all these social reasons as an excuse. Fuck the politics, just do your best to kill it each and every day. Not sure why you continue to post this fruitcake nonsense on a blog about lifting. Fuckin' weird.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou're very preachy, but what have you actually done?
DeleteBrandon, you could be right mate, why stray from a banter about sets and reps and the like?. I like to think about how this all fits in the wider world, how it relates to society and the like. I understand this is not going to do anything much for my lifts or my health, and probably little for my morale, but when you examine your motivation for pursuing this subculture if that is the right word, you may find that an aversion to the dominant culture is a major aspect, and I think, despite the major differences, despite the disparate perspectives, this is something that I share with Jamie and find his writing stimulating even if I came to very different conclusions. For me this blog is not just about lifting, dieting and the like, but a way of thinking. Consciousness if you like. But feel free to skip my ramblings.
ReplyDeleteConsider them skipped.
DeleteYou know you will read them. Our love is eternal.
DeleteAren't you that communist faggot who comments thousands of times on every post? What's up with the new account, did Jamie finally get tired of your bat-shit crazy comments and ban your fruitcake ass?
DeleteLow carb diets …
I can't help but notice that the first paragraph states that that study relied on people remembering what they ate. If you read it closely, it even basically says the results can be taken with a grain of salt for that reason.
DeleteAnyway, being over 300 pounds shortens your life more, and people mainly do low carb for weight loss.
ReplyDeleteI came to leave this exact comment but it seems you already have.
DeleteJamie where the fuck is my new article at?
Think he’s back in jail.
DeleteI sure hope not. I missed the little guy for the almost year he was in jail
DeleteUnfortunately so - at least according to the guy from the podcast.
DeleteHaha oh shit, he is in jail again.
DeleteThis particular article was poor but the 2017-present run was good. Maybe he published this to explain his absurd crime.
ReplyDeleteI find myself coming here more and more for the comments rather than the article. Starting to feel like Jamie’s wrote just about everything there is to write unfortunately
DeleteI didn't actually commit a crime- I just missed an appointment with my probation officer.
DeleteMaybe something new to be said about crossfit and its changes.
ReplyDeleteNo one reads your comments, and no one cares in the slightest about what you have to say.
DeleteI really like Stevein7’s posts. Bang on the money for mine. I’m a left winger, mainly active with my trade union, and I lift. So good on you mate - keep the ramblings coming.
ReplyDeleteOh hello Steve. Wow, you made a whole new account just to make yourself seem less crazy?
DeleteNot sure what you mean by new account...maybe I signed in with google or something, no clue...Some of what I post is tongue in cheek, but I am a serious Marxist and I think that the blog does entail some social critique and I like to put forward the revolutionary perspective.
DeleteYou are a serious faggot. Looks like we’re stuck with each other for quite some time now, Jamie landed himself back in jail for about the next six months.
DeleteMany of you are under some sort of illusion you are free and can do what you want, but that capitalist state with its armed men and prisons says different.
DeleteTheir capitalist state, eh? I wonder who (((they))) are...
DeleteI think Jamie could do a post about that porno he did
ReplyDeleteJust when I'd forgot about the ole' boy taking a stiff one in the butt you had to remind us? Thanks
DeleteTurns out he’s back in jail. Sucks
DeleteAre you serious? For what?
DeleteSkip to two minutes into the podcast.
And not sure what it’s for. I guess we’ll find out in six months, haha.
Fuck lol. It was fun while it lasted.
DeleteHe should be jailed for that porno he was in. I unfortunately saw it at the time, he was doing things i thought only Arabs were into.
DeleteHe’ll be back. See you guys in February
DeleteIF he is in jail, it illustrates a general point........all the shit about I do what I want, carve my own way, individualism etc...reality is capitalism has you in a vice and to get out of it takes a revolution. Proletarian condition.
ReplyDeleteInteresting how all those “capitalists” happen to all be Jewish, isn’t it?
DeleteI don't care what the sex, colour or creed of the capitalist is. If there are a large percentage of Jews, Christians or Mormons in the financial elite does not interest me, the capitalist system has no future but progressively worse for the vast majority and I want it gone. By the way, interesting piece on US prison labour here...maybe Jamie will be experiencing it first hand...
DeleteHere in the UK, anti-Semitism is currently hot news.–-rooting-out-oppression-or-ruling-class-hypocrisy
Delete“Jewish Capitalism” and “Jewish Communism” – Inventions of anti-Semitism
DeleteAt the start of the 20th century the Okhrana, the Tsarist secret police, produced and distributed a document which became totemic for all subsequent anti-Semitism. The “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (referred to simply as Protocols in further references) purported to describe meetings of Jewish leaders in which they planned to dominate the world and destroy the existing “civilised order”. One of the key levers that was to establish this control of the world was the invented idea of Jewish control of finance and the banks.
That pillar of the forgery developed an anti-Semitic strand that has its origins in medieval Europe. Because of religious restrictions the nobility chose to take out loans from Jewish merchants. Often, these were loans that they were never able to, or never chose to, repay. A convenient way of avoiding payments was the physical removal of the money lenders. In England, for example, mass murder could take place such as at Clifford’s Tower in York in 1190. This was followed 100 years later by the expulsion of all Jews from England.
For anti-Semites in the Imperialist epoch, the Protocols helped crystallise the modern version of attacking supposed Jewish control of finance as a way of validating and encouraging acts of violence and oppression. Relying on the fact that a small fraction of Jews had become prominent in banking, the Rothschild family being the most quoted example, the anti-Semites built up the myth of Jewish finance both controlling and corrupting the world. Supposedly this banking/finance mechanism stands in “parasitic” contrast to the “productive”, “natural”, healthy development of “national” capitalist systems. That calumny is palpable nonsense in that the reality is that finance capital and industrial capital are intrinsically intertwined and mutually dependent. However, truth is no problem for the myth-peddlers. Inevitably, they can select historic examples where elements of the bourgeoisie, other than themselves, have depended on finance capital to better exploit the working class. Find someone identifiably Jewish involved in the dealing and “hey presto” the reality of exploitative capitalist development is portrayed as an alien Jewish conspiracy.
The protocols also developed an anti-Semitic aspect to the Okhranist authors’ natural opposition to Communism. Communism, the project to destroy capitalism and lay the basis for a moneyless future was portrayed as part of the Jewish conspiracy. Now, readers may puzzle about this Jewish conspiracy where finance capital and Communism are its two main pillars. Again, no problem to our sophisticated Mr/Ms anti-Semite. Why, these cunning Jews, if they can’t destroy civilisation one way then they’ll do it another way. Why expect spokespeople for irrational divisions to trouble themselves with anything approaching a defensible argument! continues...
DeleteNonsense it may have been and remains but the myth of “Jewish Communism” was prominent in the propaganda of both the Russian counter-revolutionaries and the German Nazis. The rational kernel that they were able to point to and misrepresent is that around the end of the 19th and early 20th century many Jews had rallied to revolutionary socialism as a route to ending oppression. This was partly linked to the development of a Jewish proletariat after the emancipatory initiatives of the bourgeois revolutions had dismantled the older forms of discrimination. In the first decades of the 20th Century, Jews had formed their own mass membership Socialist Party, the Bund, within the Tsarist Empire. Many secular Jews also joined the Bolsheviks and other revolutionary fractions in Russia and elsewhere. That process continued after the start of the Revolutionary wave in 1917 when Third Internationalist parties were formed in many parts of the world.
For the anti-Semites the participation of people of Jewish background in revolutionary socialist organisations was “proof” of a conspiracy. For Internationalists it is simply evidence of the Marxist revolutionary vision as a “pole of attraction” to those whose exploitation and oppression will continue as long as the capitalist order continues.
Lol, someone’s all hot and bothered.
DeletePeople complaining about Steve's writing are as stupid as people complaining about Jamie's gay porn, nobody is making you look at either.
DeleteJamie doesn't post his porn thousands of times on the blog.
DeleteThe commie fag never fucks off.
To anyone wondering where Jamie is, he’s in jail for a probation violation, and will be away for six months from what I can tell. Looks like it’ll be end of February/early March of 2019 before we hear from him again.
ReplyDeleteGet ready for a 4 part series titled "How to do pushups while wearing orange"
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DeleteLame. I kinda figured it was something like that. Its really funny to me that him and Paul Carter and all those meathead culture bloggers were always talking about evolution and dominance and how men are weak today, but we have merely adapted. Its no good being strong and smart and reading a lot and saying scary swear words and acting alpha but then being sent to prison for drink driving like a dumbass or having an appearance that prevents you from earning real money. Thats not dominant thats bottom of the food chain slave shit. But the very best of us always have blindspots to work on and Jamie is still my favourite writer and a cool dude and I look forward to his return and hopefully some cool prison stories. PS the Hatecast is weak as fuck.
ReplyDeleteLol- I'm not out to life coach or anything. I don't have kids because I'm irresponsible as shit. Though I shouldn't have been driving, 2015 was really prior to the Uber revolution, so getting places after you'd been drinking wasn't all that easy in the US.
DeleteYou make a good point about the blind spots, and I've definitely been making an attempt at rectifying those. I just don't discuss my personal life because it's likely of no interest and I don't like talking about myself all that much.
It's just a reflection of imperialist ideology.
ReplyDeleteIt won't last, the majority will put it down, or humanity goes under.
"Food has never been more readily available, consistently healthy, or instantly accessible than the era in which we now live."
ReplyDeleteWell, maybe, but it is also the case that there is an ocean of processed crap, obesity and diet related degenerative conditions and deaths by the billion.
Mainly or wholly plant based diets are what many doctors recommend but agribusiness funds pro meat and dairy "science". I am not saying total vegan is the only healthy way, but plenty of MDs who have expertise in nutrition advocate something similar, if not purely plant based if you can pull it off.
Sure meat eggs and dairy 30 times per week will grow muscle.
Fuck he went in for a p.v. ?? I'm getting sentenced on my second p.v. Nov 26 for poss.steroids Originally the rec. was 2 to 5 yrs given I have no record except this crap I was dumbfounded... I guess my roidhead demeanor upset my p.o. Anyway over the last 6 weeks I'm off gear and doing classes etc. my p.o. is liking me now lol My lawyer says 6months is likely
ReplyDeleteYou got violated for steroids? Jesus. I've never heard of that- I missed an appointment with my PO when my dad was dying. Nothing exciting. Good luck with your bid man.
DeleteThis is a fucking masterpiece.
ReplyDeleteDamn - just in time to combat the travesty that is the Toy Story 4 trailer. I watched the new Predator movie and thought the whole world lost it's damn mind.
ReplyDeleteLol. I've yet to see The Predator, but all of our lives will be improved by Mandy, which I am seeing next Friday at midnight. Fucking pumped about that.
DeleteHahaha. Thanks man, and I'll do what I can on the porn.