15 June 2017

Let The Hate Flow Through You

"Hate is as good as any to keep a man going. Better than most."
— Sandor Clegane, Game of Thrones

The last day of his eighth grade year, Herschel Walker finally decided to step outside and join his classmates for recess.  This kid was so timid mice would brazenly walk up to him and piss on his shoes, and so fucking frightened of other people that his stammer had his teachers thinking he was retarded (although he went on to become class valedictorian in high school).  Herschel had never joined his classmates outside, but since it was the last day of eighth grade, fat, smelly, little Herschel decided that although he was the weird, possibly retarded fat kid, a game of kickball might be all he needed to right the ship and set the tone for a badass high school career.  He was right, but for all the wrong reasons- his lovable little middle school classmates proceeded to kick the everloving shit out of him, apparently with as little preamble as Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and less explication than Mel Gibson's anti-semitic rants.  No matter what their reasoning, the result was epic- from that point onward in life, Herschel Walker was driven by one thing, and one thing only:
Hatred for his fellow man.

The face of hate.  Did I mention he's 49 in this picture?

Driven by hate harder than a kid from Colorado in a trench coat filled with guns, Herschel spent the next summer doing thousands of pushups and situps a day, dragging sleds, sprinting and jogging, and racing a fucking freight train.  So great was his hatred that in one summer he went from being one of the worst athletes in his school to being one of the fastest kids in GA.  From there, he became  perhaps the single greatest high school running back of all time, racking up an unbelievable 3,162 yards in his senior year and probably injuring more players than any linebacker in the country.  In college, though he was one of the greatest running backs in NCAA history, Walker nearly terminated his career and joined the Marines because he hated people so much he wanted to make killing them his job.  Let that sink in- Herschel Walker was being hailed not just as the greatest collegiate running back, but the greatest college football player of all time, and he nearly quit that to slaughter random brown people with firearms because hurting people on a football field would not quench the fire of rage burning within his chest.

Had Herschel Walker joined the Marines, this would be the profile pic of every human being online in Iraq and Afghanistan today.

Luckily for the denizens of whatever nation would have seen Walker's wrath unleashed, he remained in football because the day he was to quit, he broke his trigger finger.  Thus, he went on to set the USFL on fire, then jobbed his way through the NFL a shell of his former self after averaging almost 400 carries a season for three seasons, capped off by an insane 2,411 yards on 438 carries in his third season.  After retiring from the NFL bitter as hell because he was never given his due in that league, Walker directed his hatred towards Russian Roulette and MMA, luckily winning at both (he is 2-0 in MMA with 2 wins by TKO, both at 48 years of age).  Still unsatisfied with breaking every human being he's ever met in half, Walker is contemplating a return to the NFL, claiming that he's still running a 4.3 40 yard dash, at 6'1" and 220 lbs, which would make him incredibly competitive even at age 55.


Herschel Walker isn't the only man who has benefited from the power of hate- the concept of hate as a primary motivator driving one's success is even a trope in television, print, and film.  As the author of the website TV Tropes explains, 
"Hate gives you power and fuel to move you. What you do with hate depends on who you are. Sometimes hate makes us change things because we are angry and see they don't work like this. Sometimes it makes you murder someone and makes you the villain. Sometimes, when the villain gloats at your poor dead dog, he makes a mortal enemy. Then there are the times when you are just furious at how horrible the world is and thus, with The Power Of Hate, a hero is born (or a villain)" (TV Tropes).  
Interestingly, that trope describes Walker perfectly (had he not broken his trigger finger his hate might have driven him to commit unspeakable (or unspeakably awesome, depending on your perspective)) atrocities, thereby turning him into a villain.  No matter what the outcome, however, hatred is for heroes and villains a motivator that drives them harder than a godawful John Cusack movie, and keeps them going in spite of any and all setbacks, pitfalls, or calamities.

"Love is a fine cushion to rest upon, but only hate can make you a better person."
- Joe Abercrombie

With the current spate of internet, do-gooder social justice warriors relentlessly screeching about positivity and avoiding negative emotions, negative remarks, and hate, it's perhaps shocking to have anyone espouse an emotion like hate.  Hate, after all, has been more or less criminalized in the Western World.  To hate is to commit crime, because if you hate, you must be a cis-gender, racist, misogynist, Trump-supporting emotional terrorist who's fit for a straightjacket and a menace to society, and it's a good reason for a judge to tack an extra five years onto a person's sentence for getting into an ordinary barfight.  Well, hear this:  FUCK THAT SHIT.  Science shows that negative emotions are just as important as positive emotions, and in pessimistic people more important than positive emotions, and that there is nothing inherently wrong with hate- it can mean the difference between failure and success, between mediocrity and greatness, and it should never be ignored.

"We know things are bad — worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is: 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.'
Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get MAD!"

Yes, there are sanctimonious castratos who will loudly decry this as "alpha-male posturing", or somesuch nonsense.  It is not.  Sure, it's unkind to hate people, but in a world where the sanctimonious fucktards outnumber the likable humans about 1000 to 1, hate is entirely justified.  We're wedged in between a populace of fat, sweaty, uneducated, diabetic, Christian retards on one hand and somewhat-educated neoliberal fascists on the other- there is literally nothing useful people can do other than hate everything and everyone around them, to scream "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" out their windows, to go to metal shows and beat the fucking brakes off people, to throw weights around and get jacked and read books and be even more awesome than we already are.  They're going to hate us anyway- we stand for everything they stand against.  Luckily, we can turn their hate around and use it as fuel for our collective fire, allowing it to drive us further in our workouts, to push us deeper into the zone every set, and to rage against the dying of our society's collective light.

“Tyrannical toward himself, he must be tyrannical toward others. All the gentle and enervating sentiments of kinship, love, friendship, gratitude, and even honor, must be suppressed in him and give place to the cold and single-minded passion for revolution.... Striving cold-bloodedly and indefatigably toward this end, he must be prepared to destroy himself and to destroy with his own hands everything that stands in the path of the revolution.” 
Catechisms of the Revolutionary, Sergei Nechayev

According to social scientists, psychologists, and neurologists, negative emotions are key to well being, and that we should embrace and accept feelings of anger and hatred, because they help with problem solving, realistic predictions of the future, and provide a competitive advantage for those who can figure out how to harness their hate and rage to facefuck of all of life's difficulties until they puke and pass out (Lilienfield, Rodriguez, Daskal).  Just think about your own life- when you were at your happiest, you were at your most complacent, weren't you?  For myself, I know that when life is going easily and smoothly, my lifts are generally pretty lackluster and my life will come to ruin if I don't find something or someone to rage against.  In addition, I'll train less, pay less attention to my diet, and will eventually slow my training to a crawl... at least until I look in the mirror and hate myself enough to do something about it.  If you "Stay Negative" as a bunch of beatdown hardcore bands espouse, you actually set yourself up for success, because you're predicting problems and formulating solutions before anything bad has actually occurred- you're undermining your own complacency by expecting the worst and planning for it, rather than resting on your laurels with a smirk on your face and changing your profile pic on Facebook to a rainbow flag and some missive about how you champion the rights of the differently-abled, non-white, gender-neutral indigenous peoples of wherever, and it's good that terrorist attacks on the white patriarchy occur to highlight the anger of the downtrodden and misused.  On top of that, when the shit does hit the fan you, unlike the social justice warriors who can only wring their hands and whine online, have the skill of turning failures into lessons, which is absolutely essential for crushing the opposition on the platform, the sports field, or in the boardroom.

"I can't stand living, I can't stand you, and I just can't hate enough."

If Instagram is any indication, none of the #Fitspo people will agree with any of this, but that's because they're fucking halfwits who would fuck up getting drunk at an open bar and then manage to go home unfucked after the orgy afterparty.  Anyone who needs to masturbate their inner child with daily admonitions against negative people and constant paeans to surrounding themselves with positivity, they're damn near guaranteed to be saddies who surround themselves with the same.  Happy people need daily reminders to be happy just like dogs need daily reminders to wag their fucking tails- it's petty, transparent posturing by weak people.  Moreover, if you're in any way pessimistic, that shit does not help.  At all.  In fact, defensive pessimists are at their best under stress and in anticipation of a negative outcome, and 
"'positive mood impairs the performance of defensive pessimists.' When they’re in a good mood, they become complacent; they no longer have the anxiety that typically mobilizes their effort. If you want to sabotage defensive pessimists, just make them happy" (Grant).
As we all know, complacency is the enemy of greatness, and there is no kryptonite like happiness to a pessimist.

Throatfucking is the antidote to kryptonite, even though it makes everyone happy.

Just like happiness brings about the downfall of any devout pessimist, encouragement does the same.  In fact, pessimists do 29% worse when tested after receiving touchy-feely words of encouragement.  Instead of Tony Robbins, pessimists need is the best of all the Muppets, Statler and Waldorf, sitting up in the balcony talking shit and stoking our inner furnace of hate. We thrive on criticism and shit-talking, because it allows us to rail against and destroy our opposition- they are the enemy we require to thrive.  The same goes for anxiety- when optimists are anxious, they distract themselves, lowering themselves to using lame new-age self-help techniques to escape their reality.  Pessimists, like Tyler Durden in the chemical burn scene of Fight Club, live in and for reality- anxiety motivates us to succeed, so we ruminate on extreme outcomes to drive us to victory (Grant).  

Yuri Vlasov (center), an Olympic weightlifter so ridiculously jacked it's hard to believe he ever even had a naysayer, nevermind enough to fuel 31 ratified world records.

I'm sure you have plenty of experiences in your life that reflect this, since my entire fucking life has been one giant effort to prove everyone wrong, whether their shit-talking was real or imagined.  And don't pretend like you've never sort of fantasized that people were talking shit, or been paranoid that they were, when you weren't even in the minds of the people you believed were talking shit.  In any event, a bit of shit talked is a gold mine for pessimists, and it drives us to glory.  Consider this tidbit from Olympic gold medalist in Olympic weightlifting, Yuri Vlasov, whose entire career was driven by pitting himself against the evil Americans and anyone who talked shit about him:
"I had a story that happened when I was competing in Nationals in Gorko. I was just starting competing and was complacent whether I would become first or second. Then I heard from my competitor’s coach talking about me: “this trash will never become a champion.” It tipped me over. I called for a huge weight on the next attempt. Without any hesitation I nailed it like an empty bar" (Winters).
As if reality hadn't shit on the Fitspo pussies' collective weaksauce parade enough, consider this:
"Studies show that positive fantasies discourage achievement—when people imagine losing weight or pursing a relationship with a crush, they’re less likely to follow through. Also, people perform worse when they say “I will” than when they ask themselves, “Will I?”
At the same time, we need pessimists to anticipate the worst and prepare us all for it. On average, research indicates that people who never worry have lower job performance than those who worry from time to time. Studies also show that when entrepreneurs are highly optimistic, their new ventures bring in less revenue and grow more slowly, and when CEOs are highly optimistic, they take on more risky debt and swing for the fences more often, putting their companies in jeopardy. (This may be why there are fewer optimistic CFOs than CEOs)" (Grant).

I may have said a lot of things here that offended some of you, but nothing comes more from my heart than this: 
- Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza

To top it all off, defensive pessimists aren't failures at the outset- they're highly successful.  They tend to have better health and higher incomes than the #Fitspo fucktards.  Scientists think this is because they better anticipate the shitstorms life throws your way, so they prepare for them and their health benefits as a result.  They are also in far better position to deal with the hard times they might face because they've anticipated, so they have far less acute stress in exchange for higher levels of chronic stress, off of which they thrive (Abrams).  We win because we hate and fear failure, and as a result we only lose, if at all, after we've won- it's our cross to bear and happiness is tragically the bane of our competitive existence, but what the fuck... it gives us one more thing to fight.  

Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza.  Prophets of a post-modern, nihilistic, go-fuck-yourself age.  By the way, the dude on the right who has Kill tattooed on his neck is Shlak, who's now jacked, a badass tattoo artist, and a wrestler for CZW.

If all of that weren't enough, history has shown us that some of the most brutal, epic, and insane badasses deliberately cultivated a mentality to harness that hatred in order to be victorious in battle.  This condition, known as somafera, or berserkergang among the Norse, was one wherein warriors would enter what could be considered an ecstatic religious state that made them superhuman.  In the Ynglinga Saga, these people were described as such:
"... his men went without mailcoats, and were as frantic as dogs or wolves; they bit their shields and were as strong as bears or boars; they slew men but neither fire nor iron could hurt them.  This is known as 'running berserk'" (Skallagrimsson, Putting on the Wolf Skin).
These warrior cults deliberately cultivated this state by a variety of methods ranging from inflicting pain on themselves to ruminating on things that enraged them to pacing like wolves, and in some cases wore wolf skins and bear skins to try to adopt the mentality of the fiercest animals, and these things worked.  Whether it was the Dacian Wolf Warriors, the Viking Berserkers, the Chinese Boxers, or any of a ton of other warrior cults of this type, they were devoted to harnessing all of their rage and hate and utilizing that energy to destroy anything and everything in their path.  It was this energy that carved for them a name in history, and it for this reason they are remembered today.

So there you have it- hate makes you strong.  It fills you with adrenaline, which you then turn into victory (Seltzer).  All of the touchy-feely neo-liberal non-offensive drivel in the world can't get your inner child's dick hard like some good old fashioned hate.  It is the most primitive of all emotions, and it is the most powerful.  It confers invincibility, drives humanity to greater heights, and turns men into superhumans (or demons, depending on your perspective).  So stoke that inner fire, put on your wolf skin, hit the gym with an epic murder boner, and crush the opposition.  

I ain't like you!
And I don't want your love
And I don't need your respect
I just can't hate enough
But I got no tears or regrets.

Abrams, Lindsay.  A case for pessimism.  The Atlantic.  13 Mar 2013.  Web.  12 Jun 2017.  https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/03/a-case-for-pessimism/273950/

Daskal, Lolly.  The surprising power of negative thinking.  Inc.com.  1 Oct 2015.  Web.  14 Jun 2017.  https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/the-surprising-power-of-negative-thinking.html

Grant, Adam.  The positive power of negative thinking.  Huffington Post.  16 Oct 2013.  Web.  14 Jun 2017.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/adam-grant/the-positive-power-of-neg_b_4107096.html

Lilienfield, Scott O.  Can Positive Thinking Be Negative?  Scientific American.  1 May 2011.  Web.  12 Jun 2017.  https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/can-positive-thinking-be-negative/

Oyler, Lauren.  The surprising benefits of hating everything.  Vice.  8 Sep 2016.  Web.  14 Jun 2017.  https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/the-surprising-benefits-of-hating-everything

Rodriguez, Tori.  Negative Emotions Are Key to Well-Being.  Scientific American.  1 May 2013.  Web.  12 Jun 2017.  https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/negative-emotions-key-well-being/

Sasaki J, Sakamoto S, Moriwaki A, Inoue K, Ugajin K.  The recognized benefits of negative thinking/affect in depression and anxiety: Developing a scale.  Japanese Psychological Research
2013, Volume 55, No. 3, 203–215.

Seltzer, Leon F.  The paradox of anger: strength or weakness?  Psychology Today.  29 Jun 2011.  Web.  12 Jun 2017.  https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolution-the-self/201106/the-paradox-anger-strength-or-weakness

The power of hate.  TV Tropes.  Web.  12 Jun 2017.  http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThePowerOfHate

Winter, Gergor.  Yury Vlasov documentary "A 20000 Ton Barbell" and excerpts from his book "Justice of Strength."  All Things Gym.  20 July 2014.  Web.  14 Jun 2017.  http://www.allthingsgym.com/yury-vlasov-documentary-20000-ton-barbell-excerpts-book-fairness-strength/


  1. This. This is why I love this fucking blog. Nobody does it quite like our favorite satanist midget lifter. Seriously though, ever heard of negative visualization? It's some ancient stoic shit where you routinely imagine the worst thing that could happen, which sounds like some of what you described.

    1. Negative visualization is one of the somafera techniques, but I think Skallagrimsson refers to it slightly differently. The mentioned it in the Grant article and the Pubmed study though- negative visualization helps a great deal with determining successful plans of action.

    2. "There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside yourself". -Miyamoto Musashi

      What is it with long dead japanese people and awesome quotes?

    3. Long dead people seem to have an eloquence modern man lacks.

  2. Hate is an excellent antidepressant... And aphrodisiac.

  3. I was quite curious to hear your take on the current situation in America. The SJW ideologies you and Paul would routinely mock have gained alot more political sway now, it is surreal how these things took hold when in the late 2000s/early 2010s it seemed like just a few bloggers espousing complete nonsense. Great write up, I hope you make more in a similar vein.

    1. I definitely plan on more in this vein, and I've got what I think is an interesting take on how we should not necessarily look to the past as a golden age, but to the past as a kind of compass pointing north. Like Plato said, we all look to the past as an ideal, which I agree is incorrect, but we can draw a great number of lessons for the past to help set our course into the future.

  4. Fuck yes. The biggest reason I ever picked up weights was out of a deep, obsessive dislike for my body. Not out of "self love", "body acceptance" or whatever other hippie bullshit bandwagon everyone and their sister hops on nowadays.

    1. "It’s only your fault if you don’t hate yourself enough to do something about it." Hahaha. I think every useful person started lifting because of this- we know Henry Rollins did.

  5. Strong comeback.

    You've posted an article about Special Operations Qualifications half a year ago, but I can't acces it. It is still listed in blogger, but the link is invalid. Any reasons?

    1. I was in jail on a DUI and had my gf publish that- it appears to have been accidentally deleted. I'll dig up the handwritten original if I can and republish it.

    2. That'd be very interesting for those of us who missed it the first time it was posted. I've been a big fan of your blog since I first ran across it four or five years ago, and would really like to see how your take on it reinforces or rebuts what I've experienced first-hand and heard second-hand so far in my own SOF qualification experience.

    3. I just moved, but I'm keeping an eye out for it to see if it resurfaces. That article was written by a buddy of mine, and I just added my two cents- I've never gone through Q-Cource or anything, so I kept my comments on the periphery.

  6. Replies
    1. I am definitely 100% back. Two thousand hateteen is the year I'll hit the platform again to shut up the naysayers.

    2. We all want training logs.

    3. They're difficult to do when my training often gets spread out ofver the course of a day. And, as you know, I despise training logs.

    4. How about occasional angry PR videos?

    5. I'm getting back into that sort of shape. I'm not going to start posting vids until I'm back at peak strength.

  7. This is the C+P that got me amping it up with weights and with life almost a decade ago. Keep this renaissance of raw going.

  8. Interesting that you've written an article on this, as these last 3 months I've been actively trying to get off the "hate as fuel" philosophy. The reason is that basically every podcast interview or piece written by a combat veteran or extreme athlete says how the best/only way to get "dialed in" or "in the zone"/"flow" respectively is to get rid of all emotion and just stay frosty basically. I'd love to hear your take on this (especially since I found out about "The Rise of Superman" through you).

    1. While I understand and respect that mentality, the flow isn't generally what drives training- it's what happens while you ARE training or you're competing. To drag yourself to the gym after a night of shitty sleep and food, or to bust your ass when you just don't see the fucking point and your strength and physique are, by all accounts "good enough"- that takes an entirely different mentality.

      No one gets through BUDS by staying frosty- they do it by finding whatever deep, evil seed they have to push them past the breaking point over and over.

    2. So be a spiteful bastard in the long term to channel your inner Zen abbot? Definitely something I can get behind, good to have you back.

    3. More like your inner Chinese Spirit Boxer.

  9. Great to have you back Jaime. Forgot how much I loved reading this blog.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Apart from being an interesting read by itself there is one more reason (for me being not from US/UK) to read CP blog: almost every time I learn some new funny/offensive English word: today it was 'sanctimonious'.

    1. It's a great word, made even greater by the fact that the people who use that word often define it, haha.

  12. Swearing makes you stronger: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/may/05/strong-language-swearing-makes-you-stronger-psychologists-confirm

  13. Glad to see you're back man.

    I'm completely driven by self-hatred when it comes to self improvement. Sometimes it turns into "woe is me" bullshit which I have a hard fucking time getting out of.

    For the first time in my life, I am now 200lbs. Got some muscle and chub on me, but I am finally there after growing up as the soft skinnyfat twink fuckboy. Self hatred got me there.

    I appreciate your comeback, and I appreciate the fact that you and others here have the same mentality when it comes to achieving greater things. Never satisfied, always hungry.

    Keep it up man. Thank you.

    1. Absolutely- as much as I hate to admit it, the appreciation I get online tends to drive a lot of the writing I do these days.

  14. It's become increasingly apparent over the last twelve months that I can't live without your blog posts or some gay shit only found your blogging again because I came back to reread Iam not a superman, and now you've topped it with this, it's fucking great to have you back motherfucker keep bringing the ruckus

    1. Hey, Onyx came back this year, too. It's the year of the comeback.

  15. this article inspired me to quit my job today. fuck those guys.

    1. It wouldn't be LOTR without the trolls. At least you're intelligent. Congrats on that.

  16. I'm enjoying the avant garde posting schedule, really keeps the reader guessing.

    1. How I missed you, Blob. I missed you so.

    2. Haha we just need Rant back and it'll be a fucking party

  17. Jamie Since you've been away I've been reading through your old blogs AGAIN ( I think 2010 was your best)and it's like the Bible to me.The more I read your blog the more I learn and get fired up, fuck it I follow your words as religion. See I found your blog back in 2013. I was 23 I just had the SHIT kicked out of me, had my jaw broke in two places lost a few teeth and had my orbital bone smashed. I have no memory at all what happen, I woke up in the hospital (still drunk) with a thing around my neck so I couldn't move I was litterally frozen. After they put me on anesthesia and I wake up in my hospital bed they finally told me I got into a fight outside a bar. I decide then and there enough was enough,Now why would you give a fuck. Because about a month or two after my face fractures still swollen as shit I was cruzin through a old blog I USED to read called bold and determined trying to find answers and that's HOW I found your blog.. in one of his old training logs he shared a link to you and since then it was love at first sight. I couldn't have found your blog at a better point in my life I been in and out of jail since I was 19 A heavy drinker and had no direction at all! I always knew I wanted to be tough in general but with the pussy soft fairy fart bullshit out here it's HARD to pick up a stick to start.Your blog is a gift from the GODS I will follow you until THE END. NEVER STOP KEEP SPREADING THE CHAOS AND PAIN I WILL TRY AND CHIP IN WHEN I LEARN SOMETHING of importance in the comment section. Your the man dude never change!

    1. Damn man. That's the most enthusiastic review I've ever received! Glad you love the blog bro- I assure you I'll be back in top form (writing and lifting-wise) soon. Feel free to chip in with article ideas and shit, too.

  18. And what the fucks up with Facebook's chaos and pain page? It sucks.

    1. Seriously, 3/4 of CnP's 'instagram ambassadors' are the antithesis of this blog and all of Jamie's philosophies. Bring back the contests and hard as fuck people and cut out the weird tactical gear collaborations.

    2. Agreed, very strange. Jamie is the brand really.

    3. Well, I sort of fell off the map, and my business partner went with the tactical thing to grab the massive military market. As I slide back into place, we'll be going extreme again, though he'll still be working the tactical angle.

    4. Ahhh, that makes sense actually. Smart. Hypnos is my favorite, knocks me the fuck out.

  19. Are you still on the cyclical keto/lower carb train? Or just meat, potatoes and veg?

    1. I've been on the see food diet for a while now, but as I'm going back into competition training mode to compete again next year, I'm going to be going back to the Apex Predator Diet.

  20. Hey Jamie, any plans on articles focused on diet in the near future? Those are by far my favorite ones on here.

    1. I'm finishing up a bulking recipe blog right now, and I'm working on an overall diet article/article series kind of similar to the ABCDE diet (http://chaosandpain.blogspot.com/2010/09/simple-as-b-bloody-c-d-e.html) but historically based. I'll push that one to the front of the line for you.

    2. Awesome man, I'm glad to hear it. I've been following your basic diet protocols for about the last two years (Cyclical keto with extremely high protein and a rampage day once a week) after getting tired of being such a lazy fatass and my strength, endurance, and work capacity have all skyrocketed as a result, even after dropping about 40 pounds of fat. Keep up the great work, and again it's great that you're back publishing content. Hopefully no more DUI's in the future, haha.

    3. I better not get caught doing anything out of the ordinary- my judge has a real hardon for me and will nail me to the wall if I even fail to pay a parking ticket.

    4. Speaking of, have your political views changed at all these last couple of years? I remember reading somewhere a while ago that you're an AnCap. Might've been the reddit AMA I'm thinking of.

    5. I'm a massive fan of Max Stirner. Outside of that, it's hard to even know what to think these days. Eat the rich, enslave the poor? Is that a valid political view?

  21. I was all fired up until i started reading the comments. Lot of gayness going on around here "ooh ooh, Jamie you're back, you're my hero Jamie and i love you", bunch of fucking queers, go kill yourselves. I bet you all look like the old fat guy in a string vest playing world of warcraft in that Southpark episode. Fucking losers.

  22. Funniest thing i've read today,and so true-

    "If you were to look through Ray Charles’ eyes at a piece of sunburnt licorice trapped inside a smoke-filled car with tinted windows at midnight, then you would be well on your way to replicating the pitch black abyss that is the dookie dispenser of the average white woman over 30. It’s absolutely disgusting."

  23. I literally want to kick someone in the face after reading this. So happy you wrote this. I am usually a pessimistic, angry guy from the inside and force stopping that feeling in fear that it might scare people. I mean, I am not a dick, but anger is my fuel and I don't know why. After reading this article, it seems to be good to embrace that. Wish you wrote this 10 years ago.

  24. I think all this extreme shit is pointless. It is actually quite a mundane process, just adding a rep or a little weight on a few big movements and doing a bit of cardio to stay lean, keeping the calories down like a good boy and getting about 200g protein a day. Drama is not required. Just beat the book.

    1. Hey man- the world needs accountants, too. no one has ever achieved greatness with that method, but I suppose there's something to be said for tiny victories.

    2. I am telling you, the drama is counterproductive. the burnout comes from that attitude. When I was young I went for HIT and did OK for a while but only when I started focussing on putting weight on the powerlifts did better things happen. Look, adding a rep or a tiny plate on the big lifts is not easy, it wont always happen. But going bananas will burn you out. I read something very similar in the M Perry book on daily squatting. Its the mental aspect that burns you out, you have to take it calmly. Lift within your abilities. Don't fail. The only time I went all out (when I grew out of the one set per fortnight idea) was in powerlifting comp. Rest of the time is a steady dripping patient type affair that gets the job done.
      Honestly, I think this comes with time. The fear goes, the enthusiasm is harnessed. The higher mind takes over - just keep making increments and you get wherever you are going to get.
      I think there is a lot of sense in Jamie's method, but a lot of the peripheral stuff is a circus spectacle to sell commodities, get attention etc.
      My method is a four day routine . Upper/lower Mon Tues, repeat Thurs Friday. Off days I will do a bit of cardio, moderate.
      Upper day - 5 sets of bench/5 sets of dips/5 sets close grip/5 sets of incline/ 5 sets of chins/
      Lower day 10 sets of squats/10 sets deadlift/a token ab and calf set or two.

      Reps are mostly 1-3 but with the odd high rep set finisher.

      Sometimes I will use bands on the big lifts.

      It just works, edging to either fat loss or muscle gain by diet.
      It is not easy, but I still say, psyching up and the like is counterproductive in normal training. It makes good video, it sells product, but in reality, not useful.

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