17 March 2012

Who Else See Da Leprechaun Say Yeah

Try to remember to lift something before you start drinking today.  Or after.  Just lift something.  I'm going hunting for the Alabama Leprechaun.


In case you wanted something new to rock while getting drunk, AOAA totally changed their sound, making them basically a tough as fuck Emmure.  I bought this shit off iTunes a couple of weeks ago and rock it constantly.  You can't not love a band whose opener begins with "PUREFUCKINGHATE."  The EP is called Dark Days.


  1. Haha jesus you guys have some fucked up news! Happy drinking everyone. I'm on my 5th guinness waiting for the motherfucking six nations finals woooooo.

  2. I think they've got an Auschwitz escapee on drums.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30ysrEiedwc&feature=channel

  4. http://thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=pass_sopa Crucial reading Jamie. Crucial.

  5. You can't beat that sketch. You can't.

  6. Man that shit sucks ass. They have successfully cultivated the sound of taking a crap on a pile a barbed wire and wiping your ass with a pine cone drenched in icy hot while having a blowtorch pointed up your nostrils.

  7. Hey, Jamie. This may be an awkward place to put this comment but who gives a fuck? Thanks for making these blog posts and what not. Your opinions and advice are spot on. You convinced me to stop being a pussy shit and start lifting heavy which has done nothing more then benefit me. Keep up the awesome shit.

    P.S. -- hope you had a good saint patty's day. Did what ever you do when you get drunk like nail a stop sign into submission or go around hitting gurus over the head with a barbell...what ever.

  8. I wonder how many people actually skipped the first vid after reading the title, thinking it's more of Jamie's 'strange' music.
