17 April 2012

Chaos And Bang Your Earholes #1

In the inaugural version of CABYE, Paul and I cover the fact that Paul's 13 year old daughter might be stronger than you, review some porn, review a movie or two, and discuss a bunch of other random bullshit.

Having listened to this, I'm astonished at how often I drop the f-bomb.  I make Goodfella's Joe Pesci seem G-rated by comparison.  Anyway, enjoy.

Download HERE.


  1. I appreciate how much you are putting time into this blog.

  2. http://theperfectionpoint.com/

  3. I had to use my uncle's trick of tossing baby powder to find the right wet spot on a fat chick once. It was like finding buried treasure and it even had the seaweed smell. Good times.

  4. Jamie, have you thought about putting this on itunes?

    1. I've no idea how that'd be done. I'm not a fan of Steve Jobs' ugly baby.

    2. Pretty straightforward actually, just a great way to get your shit out there, plus, I feel like I'm on some kind of crazy terrorist website.


  5. Jamie - Have not attempted the deadlift yet at 515 but hit a 350 lb front squat after my workout the other day. 50 lb PR. Go Predator or go home.

    1. What I tell you Jamie? Your shit is so awesome to adds 50 lbs onto a squat for a PR.

      I was listening to this while I was doing work in the library and they asked me to leave because I was laughing so hard lmao. Keep this shit up.

    2. Edited for accuracy: I was listening to this while i was masturbating in the library and they asked me to leave because i was moaning so loud lmao...

    3. Edited for accuracy: Because the only time I got pussy was when I defiled the corpse of my mothers cat I'm going to take my sexual frustrations out on random people who post comments on internet blogs. I'm fucking awesome.

      This truly was fun, Walter xD.

  6. nice! thanks for all the effort you're putting into this

  7. What was the name of the movie you talk about at the beginning?

    1. The Raid: Redemption


  8. Jamie, have you ever thought about having your cock moulded into a dildo? I'm pretty sure if you started selling those, most of the guys who hang around here would buy one.

  9. sad but true...

    anyways to download this i would have a become a member of something i do not want to be a member of... oh well.... strange you didn't use any other site to host... like dropbox and the like.

    1. I could pirate these audios onto mediafire or youtube if I won't get sued.

    2. If Jamie is okay with this, I would download it so hard.

    3. It would be awesome if it could be uploaded to youtube or something like that. If you're looking for a website where you can broadcast live talks-- http://www.usstream.tv/?srt=1334810738508&refurl=

      I don't know to much about it but It would awesome to have weekly or monthly CnP live shows to discuss the latest and greatest bull shit and the most awesome porn and/or lifting ideas. If not no problem. I was pretty content with what was given.

    4. Link's up for download. We're discussing going live with it in the next month and getting a burner for call-ins.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH25ditND80&feature=related
    You're welcome

  11. check this out. it made me laugh!

  12. http://macgyver.daug.net/sports/strength_standards_metric/strength_standards_metric.pdf

    Is this for real? Says here that a 205 kg squat is considered elite for a 75 kg lifter?

    1. I use another calculator based on my country record and they are really different, try it and wath the result:

  13. "These are strength standards as presented in the book Practical Programming for Strength Training by Mr. Rippetoe and Dr. Kilgore, converted to metric. The data has not been altered in any way except rounded to the nearest kilogram. All texts ©, ® and similar jazz belong to the authors and publishers, this page is totally unofficial (OK'd by Rip via email on Oct 20th 2007)."

  14. BigE argues that a 200 kg squat at 75 kg is paltry. I was just wondering if i could use that list as a rebuttal.

  15. Why doesn't somebody strong like Fred Hatfield become the strength guru of the internet?

    Why must it be Rippletits and a goofy Arab internet marketer?

  16. You mentioned that you had to go through your metabolic typing books again. I glanced through the blog quickly on my phone, but couldn't find any specific titles. Care to share what you have on the shelf?

  17. Metabolic Man, by Wharton
    Metabolic Typing Diet, by Wolcott
    Dr. Abravanel's Body Type Diet and Lifetime by Abravanel
    How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy, by Chek

    I have a couple of others that touch on the topic as well, like Nutrition and Your Mind and Food is Your Best Medicine.
